My Sacred Sound Shower Ritual

Sometimes when I'm in the shower I get ideas. I think we all do - the water has that effect on us. The other day I was thinking about how beautifully continuous water is, not only in and around and through us, but in and around and through our whole planet. It's like it's one continuous stream.

So I have this ritual I do in the shower - I will do either organic soundings or vocal toning with the sacred vowel sounds. It just feels so wonderful and it really clarifies me. What I'll do next is turn to the stream of the water and sing to it. I will tone the word “love” to the water, and then I will bless the water.

Why it works

I've been doing that because a number of years back I saw the results of some experiments that were done by Dr. Masaru Emoto, which some of you may be familiar with. He infused and exposed water to different types of thoughts and intentions like, "I love you," "I hate you," and so forth, with some amazing results. The sacred geometry crystalline structure was beautiful and very well formed in the ones that had the positive intentions.

The crystalline structure of the ones with the more negative intentions and words didn't even form or it was mutated. Because these are sentient molecules, water molecules, that are affected by the vibration of our thoughts and our intentions - certainly affected by the vibrations of our voice, and it is well known that vibrations can alter the molecular structure.

So think about it, water goes all around the world. Imagine if we sent our positive and loving intentions to water, in the shower, washing our clothes, washing our hands, swimming, getting a drink. Just imagine the profound shift that could create not only on our planet, but in us.


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