Sound and Music - Ancient Medicine for Modern Times


Cymatic Image of Sound Imprinting on a Drop of Water

I wanted to share an amazing awareness that opened up as I was listening to the iconic rock song “Don’t Stop Believin” by Journey.

I’ve been a singer, performer and voice teacher for many years. When menopause came, it changed my voice, and not for the better, so I felt like my voice betrayed me. I energetically pushed away singing and music and started to become more interested in sound therapy — I put my musical past on the shelf.

Well, on a recent drive, Don’t Stop Believing came up on Pandora, and I was belting it out, when suddenly, I was filled with this realization that I had been energetically pushing away a profound part of myself and that music and sound and vibration were ONE and I could embrace it all! My singing turned into wails of grief with the awareness of what I’d done and how much I missed that part of myself.

I’m all about empowering the throat chakra, and here I was shutting down that very integral part of who I was and am. As energy workers, we absolutely are drawn to that which we need to heal in ourselves!

AND…it occurred to me that SOUND THERAPY is just therapeutic MUSIC using different instruments, affecting us similarly in four ways:


  1. transportive,

  2. raises your vibration, 

  3. wakes up the brain, and

  4. entrains brainwaves to slower rhythm.


  1. transportive,

  2. raises your vibration,

  3. wakes up the brain, and

  4. entrains brainwaves to slower rhythm.


It’s nothing new, many cultures have been using the power of sound, voice and vibration for thousands of years. It is well documented now that everything is vibration — we are vibrational beings — doesn’t it makes sense that we would use vibration, which the body recognizes, to help keep us in a state of wellness?

How Stress Impedes Your Healing Cycle

So when was the last time you felt HIGH VIBE FEELING or even safe and connected to your ground of being? We have all been operating at very high level of overstimulation technology, environmental and social factors, not to mention the emotional effects of the pandemic.

It’s no secret that fear breeds stress and anxiety, which produce the fight or flight hormones, adrenaline and cortisol, which can compromise our immune system. Did you know that switching off the body’s stress response turns up the dial on healing?

All healing processes (like your body’s ability to digest food, absorb nutrients and expel toxins) can only happen when the body’s parasympathetic nervous system is TURNED ON and we are in a resting brain state.


SOUND THERAPY gets you right into that resting brain state! 

But all too often, stress and anxiety keep us tied down in the sympathetic “fight or flight” state, where healing and health maintenance processes are slowed down or simply can’t occur. Spending too much time in this “stressed out” state can lead to all sorts of unwanted health symptoms like, anxiety brain fog, digestive issues, and eventually, more serious health conditions.


Neuroscientists have found that the more we can access the RESTING BRAIN STATE it can help us achieve HEART/BRAIN COHERENCE. This is an optimal state associated with increased cognition, emotional stability and resilience. 

RESILIENCE to bounce back from life’s ups and downs so you can have a higher quality of life — more focus, creativity, problem solving ability. move suppressed emotions so you can be more authentic and make better choices.

I always tell my clients that sound therapy is like a NERVOUS SYSTEM RESET — like bringing your body/mind back to its factory settings!

As a sound therapist, I’ve been working with clients to help them become more clear and centered. The use of frequency and vibration can shift your energy to better manage life’s ups and downs…and find a place of peace within yourself where you can connect to your joy and strength to start a new relationship with yourself.

I hope this has helped to give you a more relatable way of understanding the profound nature of vibration and sound therapy and how it can help to change your life.


The Power of Your Voice: Developing Your Own Unique Soul Signature and Frequency for Improved Expression and Transformation - Part 1


My Sacred Sound Shower Ritual