3 Ways Singing and Music are Like Sound Therapy

I wanted to share an amazing awareness that opened up as I was listening to the iconic rock song “Don’t Stop Believin” by Journey.

As some of you know, I’ve been a singer, performer and voice teacher for many years. When menopause came, it changed my voice, and not for the better, so I felt like my voice betrayed me. I energetically pushed away singing and music and started to become more interested in sound therapy. I kind of put my musical past on the shelf.

Well, on a recent drive, Don’t Stop Believing came up on Pandora, and I was belting it out, when suddenly, I was filled with this realization that I had been energetically pushing away a profound part of myself and that music and sound and vibration were ONE and I could embrace it all! My singing turned into wails of grief with the awareness of what I’d done and how much I missed that part of myself.

I’m all about empowering the throat chakra, and here I was shutting down that very integral part of who I was and am. As energy workers, we absolutely are drawn to that which we need to heal in ourselves!

AND…it occurred to me that sound therapy is just therapeutic MUSIC with different instruments.

The Similarities Between Music and Sound Therapy

Perhaps this would help to make the concept more relatable:


  1. transports and transforms us

  2. lifts us up to higher vibration

  3. brain on music is most active


  1. transports and transforms us

  2. raises our resonant vibration

  3. connects the brain hemispheres

Don’t stop believing in yourself, even through the changes and ups and downs of life - we can all get those flashes of awareness at ANY time if we stay open and BELIEVE!


My Sacred Sound Shower Ritual


The last time my horse bucked me off…