Healing Through Sound

A blog that explores the learnings, teachings, & relevant tips around accessing the healing power of sound and your voice.

Ruth Ratliff Ruth Ratliff

Sound as Medicine?

Sound will be the medicine of the future! Edgar Cayce, known as the father of holistic medicine predicted this back in the 1940’s. The biggest mistake people make is minimizing or dismissing the powerful effects that sound and music have on us. I don’t know why it’s so hard to believe this, because we all have experienced the heart lifting effects of a favorite song or the sound of the ocean, or the sweet chirping of crickets on a moonlit night.

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Ruth Ratliff Ruth Ratliff

Keep Your Vibes High

You have a frequency that is higher than most diseases, viruses and pathogens - you have the power to control your own vibrational energy to support your health and wellbeing. WE ALL HAVE THAT CHOICE!

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Ruth Ratliff Ruth Ratliff

When Was the Last Time Your Voice Got Shut Down?

I’ll bet you can remember very clearly the times when you tried to express yourself, tell somebody how you felt or communicate something important and it was met with much less than the desired response, a negative reaction, even an abusive or violent reaction.

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Ready to Start your Journey with Sound Therapy?